A pharmacy team has been honoured for its patient-centred services at a regional awards ceremony.

The East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Pharmacy Team, received the overall winner accolade at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's (NHSGGC) Celebrating Success Awards.

With a team made up of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and support workers, the unit provides over 2,000 pharmaceutical care interventions every month.

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They clinched the award in the East Renfrewshire HSCP category at the ceremony on Thursday night (May 30).

Among the team's achievements is the implementation of serial prescribing, issuing antiviral medicines for high-risk Covid-19 patients, and substantial efficiency savings.

Colleagues described the group as having an "unwavering dedication to improving patient outcomes" despite the challenges.

The awards ceremony was at the Radisson Hotel in Glasgow, with 18 winners announced across NHSGGC’s regional branches, HSCPs, as well as other services from diagnostics, public health, and pharmacy departments.

Teams and individuals also received honours across seven Excellence Award categories.

NHSGGC chair Dr Lesley Thomson KC presented two Chair’s Awards of Excellence during the event.

She said: "The NHSGGC Celebrating Success Awards are an opportunity for us to recognise the hard work and incredible dedication shown by our staff and volunteers year-round.

"This year’s winners are fantastic examples of how health and social care staff routinely go above and beyond to ensure patients get the best possible care.

"My personal thanks and congratulations to all of those shortlisted for the significant effort that goes into supporting their colleagues, patients and the wider community.

"Every award winner and nominee should be immensely proud of themselves for the contribution they make to the delivery of healthcare in Scotland."

Over £2,800 was raised for cancer support charity Maggie’s during the course of the ceremony.