A MUM whose baby was a victim of the contaminated blood scandal believes the treatment disaster ruined his life.

The 66-year-old, from Barrhead, spoke out after the “harrowing” findings of a long-running inquiry were published on Monday.

It was revealed around 30,000 people across the UK were infected with deadly viruses including HIV and hepatitis C between the 1970s and early 1990s as they received blood transfusions or blood products while receiving NHS care.

The woman is not being named to protect the identity of her son.

He was contaminated with hepatitis C whilst receiving treatment for haemophilia - a rare condition that affects the blood's ability to clot - when he was just 18 months old.

However, it was not confirmed by health officials that he was a victim of the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS until he was 14 – despite his mum fighting that this had been the case for years. 

Now in his 40s, he suffers from depression and takes medication daily.

The mum said: “When my son was young, he complained of tiredness a lot and flu-like symptoms. I knew there was something not right.

“I told the hospital I thought he had been given contaminated blood and they said ‘no, no, no’.

“I was like a dog with a bone from when he was two until he was 14 – when they finally admitted it.

“The government and a specific group of people from the NHS actually brainwashed us, then bang, they told us. But I had said all along.

“As the inquiry report says, they ignored what we were saying, swept it under the carpet and they lied.

“Then we were told not to speak about it. They told me to keep it to myself due to stigma and bullying.”

Barrhead News: The inquiry, which had been ongoing since 2017, found that deliberate attempts were made to cover up what had happened and that patients were knowingly exposed to an unacceptable level of risk.

“It was very emotional reading the findings,” the woman said. “I was very nervous waiting for the report.

"But all I wanted was for it to indicate that there were cover-ups and it wasn’t just in our heads.

“They kept it hush hush for years.”

Barrhead News: People hold up the Infected Blood Inquiry report outside Central Hall in Westminster, London, after it's publication.People hold up the Infected Blood Inquiry report outside Central Hall in Westminster, London, after it's publication. (Image: PA)The woman says her son’s life fell apart after receiving confirmation that he had been contaminated.

She said despite being haemophiliac, he could have gone on to work but being a victim of the scandal “ruined his hopes and dreams”.

“This stopped his chances of living a happy life and holding down a job – that was all taken away from him,” she added.

“The treatment he had to endure for hepatitis C was absolutely horrendous.

“He suffers from depression so it has ruined his life.

“It also shattered my life, as it changes you as a person.”

Despite believing the NHS workers involved in the scandal should be prosecuted, the mum doesn’t want the health service to be stigmatised because of it.

She has also praised her local GP surgery, the Glennifer Medical Group based at Barrhead Health Centre.

“Right away back since I was told my son was contaminated, they have been tremendous with me. All the doctors, some who have since retired, and all the receptionists,” she said.

“They have gone above and beyond for me. And if I didn’t have them to run to when I’m broken, I wouldn't be on my feet. I would not be on my feet today.

“They’ve supported me since we got the diagnosis. And I just want them to be recognised.

“I could never repay them. I could never thank them enough for seeing me through it.”

The woman has also urged anyone who got blood transfusions or blood treatment between 1970 and the early 1990s to get tested as it’s believed some people still don’t know they have been contaminated.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak has promised to pay compensation to infected blood scandal victims “whatever it costs”.

Barrhead News: Prime Minister Rishi SunakPrime Minister Rishi Sunak (Image: PA)The Prime Minister, speaking in the House of Commons, said justice “demands actions and accountability”.

He said: “I make two solemn promises. First, we will pay comprehensive compensation to those infected and those affected by this scandal.

“Whatever it costs to deliver this scheme, we will pay it.

“Second, it is not enough to say ‘sorry’, pay long-overdue compensation, and then attempt to move on. There can be no moving on from a report that is so devastating in its criticism.

“Of course, in some areas, medical practice has long since evolved and no one is questioning that every day, our NHS provides amazing and lifesaving care to the British people, but Sir Brian Langstaff (inquiry chairman) and his team have made wide-ranging recommendations.

"We will study them in detail before returning to this House with a full response, and we must fundamentally rebalance the system so we finally address this pattern so familiar from other inquiries like Hillsborough where innocent victims have to fight for decades just to be believed.”