Planners have refused a proposal to install a new 25-metre mast in East Renfrewshire.

Icon Tower Infrastructure Limited, a wireless infrastructure provider, had hoped to put a “sharable lattice mast” within the same compound as an existing mast at Whitecraigs Rugby Club on Aurs Road in Newton Mearns.

The development would have included a base station, two headframes, 12 antennas, four dishes, a two-metre high chainlink fence, one multiuser electrical meter cabinet and ancillary development.

The Manchester-based firm submitted an application for prior notification and prior approval which is used for notifying the planning authority that you intend to carry out certain development which is “permitted development”.

Planners subsequently decided that the proposal did not benefit from permitted development rights as it was “inappropriately sited”, and that prior approval was required.

Prior approval was, however, refused as the proposed mast would be “sited in an unacceptable location which would result in the accumulation of three telecommunications tower masts in the area.

“As a result (this) would have an adverse impact on the visual amenity of the immediate and wider surrounding area,” the decision notice added.

Two representations were received objecting to the proposed development outlining reasons such as the visual impact and the potential for the existing two masts within the vicinity to be upgraded to deliver improved 4G and 5G services from all four mobile network operators.