An event billed “The ultimate pregnancy experience” for mums and their birth partners is to be held in Neilston.

The workshop, which is the first of its type in East Renfrewshire, will run from 10.30am to 4pm on December 3 at The Bank community hub in Main Street.

It will include a hypnobirthing power hour covering the physiology of childbirth, as well as breathing, relaxation tips and visualisations.

Those coming along will also learn about birth positions, massage for pregnancy and birth, pregnancy yoga, bespoke coping strategies and tips for the fourth trimester.

Describing the event, organisers said: “Yogabellies with Ashley and Hollie from motherzen have prepared the perfect day for pregnant people and their birth partners to come and spend the day together, relax, bond with baby and learn essential skills for pregnancy and birth."

To book click HERE