A BARRHEAD woman has slammed East Renfrewshire Council after it staged a parking ticket blitz at a beauty spot.

Gillian Cumming, 51, was shocked to discover that she, along with a number of other drivers, had been given a £60 fixed penalty notice while visiting Rouken Glen Park.

She had enjoyed a 40-minute Sunday stroll with her husband at the Giffnock greenspace and says it was busy with families and dog walkers at the time, with all of the designated parking bays taken.

As a result, several motorists, including Gillian, chose to park in vacant spaces near the bays.

Gillian, who works with homeless people, said: “Cars parked outside bays were not causing any obstructions and there were no notices or yellow lines to indicate you couldn’t park there.

“But, like mine, they were all given tickets.

“During this cost-of-living crisis, many people can’t afford to go anywhere that costs money – and then you are hit with a fine.

“It’s daylight robbery.”

Gillian raised the issue with a community warden who was issuing the tickets at the time but later decided to contact the Barrhead News so she could warn other local people who take their cars to Rouken Glen Park.

She said: “People should be aware that they could now get a parking ticket if the park is busy and all the spaces are taken.

“The community warden said there was a parking notice sign on entering the car park on the left but, if you miss that sign, there are no other warnings or information.

“The council should be ashamed of themselves for sending in their community wardens to the park during nice weather in the knowledge there aren’t enough bays to accommodate such a large park.

“At the very least, yellow lines and more notices should be visible to keep people properly informed.

“You would think the council was wanting to encourage healthy leisure pursuits, rather than discourage them.”

However, council chiefs have defended their actions.

A spokesperson said: “There are restrictions within this car park to prevent the misuse of disabled bays and ensure vehicles are parked safely.

“Any vehicle parked outwith bays or on verges can cause a potential obstruction to other drivers.

“The restrictions are displayed within the car park.

“Our officers patrol all areas in East Renfrewshire where parking restrictions are in place and will issue fines to any vehicle not adhering to the rules.”