Pupils at an East Renfrewshire secondary have secured another historic victory with top exam results.

Fifth year students at Barrhead High School increased the number of pupils gaining five Highers or more for the fourth year in a row.

The number of pupils achieving this now sits at 30%, an increase of 10% since 2019.

One student, Callyn McTaggart, 17, had planned to leave school before having a change of heart to sit his Highers, securing 2As, 1B and 1C.

Callyn said: “I originally wanted to leave and take up joinery, but then decided I’d see how I could get on with my Highers.

“I’m so glad I did because I now want to go into primary teaching.

“I’ve helped out coaching younger kids at football and it’s made me realise that I really enjoyed it, and that teaching is the career for me.”

Barrhead News:

Amy Tasker, 17, from Barrhead was over the moon to receive the results she wanted, 2As, 1B, 1C and a vocational qualification.

Her success has also set her up for a career in primary teaching.

She said: “I’ve always loved the idea of teaching because I had such a great primary school teacher who really inspired me, and I’ve always wanted to follow in his footsteps.”

Ailie Murphy meanwhile, was up at 6.45am waiting on the text to drop, but it was all worth it after finding out she had got 5As.

“I was so nervous but I’m so delighted,” she commented.

Other pupils excelling were fellow 17-year-olds Sol Duncan, 17, and Lewis McGuire, 17, who also got 5As and Lily MacPherson, 16, who got 2As and 3Bs who now plans to return for 6th Year to do two Advanced Highers and one more Higher.