A BARRHEAD woman jetted off to a meeting with George Bush Senior 10 years ago as part of her work for a French film company.

Maria Burns, 22, originally from Gateside Road, met the former US president in Texas, this week in 2008, when she was conducting interviews for a project raising awareness about cancer.

Bush, the 41st president of the US, and Barbara Bush, former first lady, were co-chairs of the National Dialogue on Cancer, bringing together various organisations to support efforts to eradicate cancer.

Maria, who lived in Annecy near Mount Blanc, said: “Mondofragilis is a media communications company, working exclusively for the non-profit community.

“The purpose of the trip was to record Bush as the narrator of the documentary film series that we’re currently editing, that investigates the world of cancer.

“The Bushes lost their daughter to cancer when she was only three years old, and they have since played active roles in cancer prevention, including lots of work with the American Cancer Society.

“We recorded the narration scripts, and then had a bit of a chat with Mr Bush. He was friendly and engaging, and eager to hear more about what we had found in the making of the film.”

Maria added: “I actually turned 22 the day I met Bush Senior. I celebrated my birthday last year in St Thomas’ Church hall in Neilston, an amazing party with all my family and friends. This year, at Bush’s house, I was 5,000 miles from my family and friends, but it was another special day, and certainly one I will remember.”